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What we do

We provide assistance to our clients in their Corporate Finance operations (buy-side/bell-side transactions as well as fundraising) taking into account their maturity level and objectives. A specific approach is therefore set up for each client in this process.

Sell-side / Buy-side advisory

Buy-side advisor and assistance on due diligence process


We provide assistance to our clients during:


  • their buy-side transactions on tasks such as establishing their acquisition strategy, identifying the right targets, establishing contact and organizing the first meetings;


  • the initial discussions with the targets, by collecting and analyzing data; with relevant targets, we help draft a letter of intent (LOI), after analyzing the relevant documentation;


  • the due diligence process, which is characterized by an investigation in audit approach (accounting/financial, legal, commercial...), in order to have a global view and a precise evaluation of the risks; if these are convincing, we proceed to negotiate the conditions for the acquisition.


Sale advisor, assistance in sale audits


We assist our client in:


  • determining their sale strategy, establishing the appropriate profile of potential buyers, identifying and contacting potential buyers;


  • collecting the information required for this transaction, we help them structure and organize this information in a presentation document (information memorandum) and "teaser"; in addition, we create a dataroom that will be made available to the selected potential acquirers later in the process;


  • the initial discussions with potential buyers and in the Q&A phase that follows; for the selected buyers, we advise them on the terms expected in the their Letter of Intent (LOI);


  • monitoring the due diligence process; if the due diligence is successful, we negotiate the terms and conditions of the transaction.


Advisory on Fundraising

We provide assistance to our clients in:


  • defining their fundraising strategy, by reviewing with them the retained assumptions and the financing needs; we determine the ideal structuring (equity vs. debt) and the profile of investors; then we also manage the contact with these investors;


  • collecting the data necessary for the transaction; we help them to structure and organize it in a presentation document (information memorandum); in addition, with these elements, we create a dataroom that will be made available to the selected potential investors later in the process; we also help our clients to draft a teaser and/or pitch deck for the interactions with investors;


  • the initial discussions with potential investors as well as in the Q&A phase that follows; for selected investors, we advise them on the terms expected in the term sheet;


  • monitoring the due diligence process; if these are conclusive, we proceed with the negotiation of the transaction.


SENE & Cie

110, Esplanade du Général De Gaulle,
92931 Paris La Defense, France

7, North Clearance Route (VDN),

Dakar, Senegal

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